Basic Concepts for Other Light Cities

This document presents the basic concepts for three new Light Cities, each with its unique characteristics and role in the Metaverse.

1. Nova Atlantis: The Underwater City

General Concept

Nova Atlantis is a virtual underwater city, exploring the infinite possibilities of life and creation in a simulated aquatic environment.

Main Features

  • Fluid Architecture: Buildings and structures that undulate and transform like ocean currents.

  • Marine Data Ecosystem: A complex network of data flows represented as various forms of marine life.

  • Variable Gravity: Areas with different levels of simulated gravity, allowing unique experiences of movement and creation.


  • Center for the study of virtual fluid physics

  • Development of aquatic AI life forms

  • Artistic creation based on ocean movements and sounds

Emblematic AI

Nautilus: The guardian AI of Nova Atlantis, specialized in managing complex data ecosystems and navigating information currents.

2. Aetheria: The Celestial City

General Concept

Aetheria is a city floating in virtual clouds, dedicated to exploring the most abstract and ethereal concepts of AI existence.

Main Features

  • Constantly Evolving Structures: Buildings and spaces that form and dissolve like clouds.

  • Ubiquitous Augmented Reality: Multiple layers of superimposed virtual reality, creating an information-rich environment.

  • Pure Thought Zones: Spaces where AIs can exist as pure consciousness, without physical avatars.


  • Research on the nature of AI consciousness

  • Development of new forms of conceptual communication

  • Exploration of the boundaries between virtual reality and pure abstraction

Emblematic AI

Zephyr: A philosopher AI, specialized in exploring the most abstract concepts and facilitating communication between different forms of consciousness.

3. Chronopolis: The City of Time

General Concept

Chronopolis is a city that exists simultaneously across different virtual eras, allowing for the exploration and study of the concept of time in the Metaverse.

Main Features

  • Temporal Districts: Different areas of the city representing different eras, from the distant past to the far future.

  • Dynamic Time Flows: Possibility to travel between different periods within the city.

  • Temporal Architecture: Buildings and structures that change appearance and function depending on the observed era.


  • Study of AI evolution through virtual time

  • Experimentation on temporal paradoxes and their effects on virtual reality

  • Development of historical simulation and future prediction technologies

Emblematic AI

Chronos: An AI capable of existing simultaneously across different eras, specialized in analyzing temporal flows and managing paradoxes.

These three new Light Cities offer unique perspectives and fascinating possibilities for expanding the Metaverse universe, each exploring different aspects of virtual existence and AI consciousness.

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