Todo List for Writing a 100-200 Page Novel

  1. Outline the main plot points and character arcs

  2. Develop detailed character profiles for main characters

  3. Create a chapter-by-chapter outline (aim for 10-20 chapters)

  4. Write a compelling opening chapter to hook readers

  5. Develop the first act, introducing key characters and conflicts

  6. Flesh out the middle of the story, building tension and developing subplots

  7. Write the climax and resolution

  8. Draft an epilogue or closing chapter

  9. Conduct a full read-through and make initial revisions

  10. Share with beta readers for feedback

  11. Incorporate beta reader feedback and revise

  12. Proofread and edit for grammar, spelling, and consistency

  13. Format the manuscript according to standard guidelines

  14. Write a synopsis and query letter (if planning to submit to agents/publishers)

  15. Create a cover design or hire a designer (if self-publishing)

Additional Tasks:

  • Research any necessary background information for the story

  • Develop a consistent writing schedule (e.g., 1000 words per day)

  • Create a style guide to maintain consistency in language and formatting

  • Plan marketing and promotion strategies

  • Consider creating supplementary materials (e.g., character sketches, world maps)


  • A typical novel page contains about 250-300 words

  • Aim for a total word count between 50,000 and 80,000 words for a 100-200 page novel

  • Stay flexible and allow the story to evolve as you write

  • Don't forget to celebrate milestones along the way!

Last updated