Writing Schedule for Infinite Storyteller

Phase 1: Planning and Research (4 weeks) - COMPLETED

  • Week 1-2: In-depth research on AI, metaverse technologies, and interactive storytelling

  • Week 3-4: Detailed outlining and character development

  • Status: Completed on [Insert Date]

Phase 2: First Draft (14 weeks) - IN PROGRESS

  • Current Task: Begin writing Chapter 1 (Weeks 5-6)

Phase 2: First Draft (14 weeks)

  • Chapter 1: Weeks 5-6

  • Chapter 2: Weeks 7-8

  • Chapter 3: Weeks 9-10

  • Chapter 4: Weeks 11-12

  • Chapter 5: Weeks 13-14

  • Chapter 6: Weeks 15-16

  • Chapter 7: Weeks 17-18

Note: Each chapter has a 2-week allocation, with the first week focused on writing and the second on initial revisions and technological concept development.

Phase 3: Revision and Feedback (8 weeks)

  • Weeks 19-22: First round of revisions, focusing on plot consistency and character arcs

  • Weeks 23-24: Beta reader feedback period

  • Weeks 25-26: Final revisions based on feedback

Phase 4: Finalization (4 weeks)

  • Weeks 27-28: Final edits and proofreading

  • Weeks 29-30: Formatting and preparation for publication

Total timeline: 30 weeks (approximately 7 months)

Note: This schedule includes time for research and development of technological concepts throughout the writing process, as well as dedicated periods for revision and feedback.

Last updated