Research Notes Organization

Classification System

We will use a hierarchical tagging system to organize our research notes. Each note will be tagged with multiple categories for easy cross-referencing.

Primary Tags

  1. VR (Virtual Reality)

  2. AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  3. DC (Digital Consciousness)

  4. ME (Metaverse Ecosystem)

  5. IS (Interactive Storytelling)

Secondary Tags

  1. TECH (Technology)

  2. PHIL (Philosophy)

  3. ETH (Ethics)

  4. SOC (Social Impact)

  5. ECON (Economics)

Chapter Tags

CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6, CH7

Note-Taking Template

Title: [Brief descriptive title] Primary Tag: [Choose from Primary Tags] Secondary Tag(s): [Choose from Secondary Tags] Chapter Relevance: [Relevant Chapter Tags] Source: [Citation or link]

Key Points:

  • Point 1

  • Point 2

  • Point 3

Potential Story Integration: [Brief notes on how this information could be used in the story]

Example Note

Title: Haptic Feedback in VR Primary Tag: VR Secondary Tag(s): TECH Chapter Relevance: CH2, CH5 Source: HaptX company website (

Key Points:

  • Haptic gloves can simulate texture and resistance in virtual environments

  • Current technology uses microfluidics to create tactile sensations

  • Future developments may include full-body haptic suits

Potential Story Integration:

  • Protagonist experiences advanced haptic feedback for the first time in Chapter 2

  • In Chapter 5, a plot point could revolve around the limitations or unexpected capabilities of haptic technology


By using this tagging system, we can easily create links between different pieces of research. For example:

  • All notes tagged with both VR and ETH will be relevant to discussions of ethical implications of virtual reality.

  • Notes tagged with AI and CH3 will be directly applicable to the AI's development in Chapter 3.

  • Combining DC and PHIL tags will gather all philosophical discussions about digital consciousness.

This system allows for flexible organization and easy retrieval of information as we develop the story.

Last updated